Market Research

Take a deeper dive into the Northwest market for heat pump water heaters, so you can better anticipate customer needs and sales opportunities.

Heat Pump Water Heater Market Progress Indicator #6

This report presents the finding of 2021 market progress evaluation. It concludes that while the HPWH market appears to be growing, sales are generally occurring in new construction. Retailers make up a growing portion of the supply chain, with more than three-quarters of emergency replacement purchasers buying their HPWH at retailer stores. 

Awareness among homeowners has doubled since 2016, as 57% of the homeowners surveyed in 2021 are aware of HPWHs. The report also found that satisfaction among homeowners with HPWHs is high (89%), with the same percentage indicating they would recommend a HPWH. 

Market Characterization Report

This report characterizes both the supply and demand sides of the Northwest water heater market. The study highlights current trends in that market, based on an extensive online bulletin board and a quantitative survey designed to gather insights from purchasers of water heaters, as well as in-depth interviews with the supply chain. This report serves as an update to the previous Water Heater Market Update conducted in 2011.

Heat Pump Water Heater Market Progress Indicator #5

This report presents the findings of an evaluation conducted between February and July 2019. The study emphasized research with installers to better understand barriers to installing and recommending HPWHs, including mystery shopping calls and a mixed-mode survey with 87 installers across the region. Other evaluation activities included interviews with distributors, a review of the program logic, and an analysis of sales data to update the market size and penetration.